Monday, September 20, 2010


Traveler, I can not ask you, now
To be here with me, spend some time
Since, I am buried under this field
For a thousand years.

But I can tell you
Through the bright flowers
In this field, that, how history
Shattered this place for years

I can tell you through
This small stream, that,
How lush is this place
And even daemons loved it

I can tell you through
Every rock in this place, that,
What a rumbler is this castle
Telling stories all night

I can tell you through this
Mountain in the east corner
That how a shadow move
Like a snake is this place

I can tell you through the
Chinook wind, that,
How mystic is here at
Every winter and early spring

But traveler, now I am lost
And buried
In a quadrate of solid darkness
That, I can not understand you
From your foot steps

That who you really are and
Which trails you will suffer
The pain in your eyes
Where they came from

Traveler, I can not ask you, now
To be here with me, spend some time
Even if a second before
Your toe touched my heart

Traveler, I am buried and then lost.