Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mumbai – 9/11

The guns are awaiting
 An accurate moment

A chillness
Frozen the time
To make every target still

Rusty road
Smoky walls
Yellow-black auto rickshaws
Red buses, metallic cars
Trucks, an ancient palette of
Red, Yellow, green, violet, blue

Motor cycles and handcarts
Stench of urine
Pan Masala and beggars
Sharp edges of
Pouting structures
Busy moving eyes, legs, hands
Flabby arses
Doves scattering like an offbeat song

It’s time to fire

Bullets penetrating through
Hearts and disappearing into many dreams…

Thursday, March 18, 2010


flaming stairs
keep climbing
burn alive
sparks shape
a figure of you

Words faces
steps legs lips

smudge – weaving
a shroud
so lengthy

A wave long dead

- where is the sea?